Pregnancy History Assessments

Assessments are intended to identify risk to your patients and to allow your team to take that information and perhaps cater a campaign or create resources to help your patients have the best pregnancy and postpartum experience.  Each trimester, we want to identify any socioeconomic risk factors your patients might have, any food insecurity or other social determinants of health.


Our questionnaires are broken into 5 different assessments with approximately 10 questions per assessment:

  • Health History
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Pregnancy Health: 2nd Trimester
  • Pregnancy Health: 3rd Trimester
  • Postpartum

Just like Babyscripts content, our customers have the option to customize the assessments although for standardization of data collection, minimal customization would be more ideal.

Patient Reminders

Push notifications can be sent out to remind patients to complete assessments twice a trimester (beginning and end).  

Data Review

Your care team will have visibility to the responses that your patients are providing in order to help you take those next steps in providing resources to help your patients throughout their pregnancy.

If you are considering turning on any or all of these assessments and want to have a closer look at the questions asked during each of these assessments, make sure to connect with your Account Team and we will be happy to share that with you.

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