Timeline: All About the Patient Timeline
What is the patient timeline?
The patient "timeline" is the first thing patients see when they log into the app. The timeline updates throughout the week with new content based on a patient's gestational age. The pieces of content in the timeline may also link to other resources within the app, outside web links, or other sections of the app.
Types of content patients see in the timeline
Timeline "cards" (or the individual pieces of content that appear in the timeline) are short snippets of gestation-specific information. Each of the cards will be categorized into one of the following categories:
- Inspire - These cards aim to inspire the patient - for example, prompting the patient to try something new like a healthy recipe.
- Educate - These cards aim to educate the patient - for example, educating the patient on foods to avoid during pregnancy.
- Engage - These cards aim to engage the patient - for example, asking the patient to take a survey on her Babyscripts experience.
How often does the patient timeline update?
Content in the timeline updates throughout the week. The bulk of each week's content appears on the first day of a patient's new gestational week.
While patients will not be able to skip ahead to view future week's content in the timeline, they can always go back to review previous weeks' information at any time.
How to add or edit timeline cards
Interested in adding some new timeline cards, or editing Babyscripts' standard timeline cards?