Office Hours: EHR Integrations with Babyscripts

This Office Hours Webinar focuses on EHR Integrations with Babyscripts.  Whether you’ve integrated your EHR with Babyscripts or not, we’re excited to share more about our newest integration capabilities and highlight how some of our customers are benefiting from them today. Our Senior Technical Service Manager, Kristian Thomas, will review:

  • Auto Enrollment
  • In Basket Messaging
  • Single Sign On (SSO)

In addition, Senior Customer Operations Manager, Tiarra Clarke, will provide an overview of the latest addition to DIANA; Campaign Template Library. The Campaign Template Library will host pre-canned topics that you can share with your patients at any time. View the webinar to learn more!

Click here to view the webinar EHR Integrations with Babyscripts

Our Office Hours Webinar series is designed with our customers and your patients in mind. As your partners, we recognize how dedicated you are to provide the best possible care to your patients, so we are offering a platform dedicated to just that!  In this webinar, we highlight EHR Integration capabilities that can help save your care team time while extending prenatal and postpartum education to more patients.

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