How to Mark a Patient as Delivered

If a patient delivers, it is important to document this so her app experience is updated. 

There are two ways to document a patient delivery:

  1. The patient can update her pregnancy status directly in the app
  2. A DIANA user can update the patient's pregnancy status in DIANA (on the patient profile)

How to mark a patient as delivered in DIANA 

  1. Open the patient profile. (Here's how to search for a patient profile.)
  2. Click on the pink "Update Pregnancy Status" button.

3. Toggle the pregnancy status to "Delivered", and select the date of delivery. Then click "Update".

Updates to the patient app experience after delivery

  • After a patient is marked as delivered, any antenatal remote monitoring modules will be automatically removed.
  • The content in the patient's Timeline will update to reflect the patient's postpartum status.
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