Review and Export Patient Data

Within the DIANA system, Group Managers and Patient Managers have access to patient profiles with the ability to review data points patients logged during their Babyscripts myJourney experience. If your health system is not integrated with Babyscripts, you'll need a way to transfer patient data points into your EHR. Below you'll find more information on how to review and export patient data.

Locating a Patient's Profile

Navigate to the 'All Patients' tab in your dashboard on the left side of your screen.

This will bring you to a list of all patients who have been signed up for Babyscripts myJourney. You can use the search bar to locate a patient by: first name, last name, email, phone number or MRN.

Review Patient Data Values

Select the patient by clicking on their name. You'll be routed to their patient profile. 

From this page, you will see tabs on the right side of the page for Weight values, as well as Blood Pressure values if the patient is registered for remote monitoring.

Click on the Weight tab to review patient data values, organized by date.

Click on the  Blood Pressure tab to review patient data values, organized by date

  • An "i" flag next to the source type will indicate that reading was an elevated or critical trigger.  If you select the icon, you will be routed to the trigger event in the TRIGGER DASHBOARD

Export Patient Data Values

  • To easily transfer patient data to your EHR, we recommend downloading patient data values from DIANA. 
  • On the Weight and Blood Pressure tabs, you'll see a pink "Export" button. Click this button to download a csv file of all patient data values.

  • Once downloaded, you can transfer these values into your EHR.
  • If your EHR supports file upload, you can take a screenshot of these values and upload the file to the patient's chart.
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