Patient Compliance Best Practices

The DIANA portal offers features to help you easily stay in touch with your patients, particularly those who need a reminder to take BP readings. You can use DIANA to send an SMS or e-mail directly to your patient's phone, in addition to other methods of communication you normally use to contact patients. 

Establishing your practice's workflow

Here is an example process that organizations have adopted.

Tip: Establish an outreach lead (or rotating team of leads) at your practice.and set a consistent day to log into DIANA and conduct patient outreach. For non-compliant patients, make Babyscripts part of the agenda for return visits.

Crafting your message

When contacting patients, consider using one of the following scripts:

  • “Hi there, this is a reminder from your care team to check your blood pressure. If you are having technical difficulties, please contact Babyscripts at or (844) 692-2297 to assist in resolving the issue.”
  • "Hi there, please check your blood pressure as soon as you receive this communication. We need to keep a close eye on your health in the final weeks of your pregnancy, when blood pressure issues tend to present. If you are having technical difficulties, please contact Babyscripts at or (844) 692-2297 to assist in resolving the issue.”
  • “Hi there, please check your blood pressure as soon as you receive this communication. If blood pressures are not logged, you may need to come in to the practice for additional visits. If you are having technical difficulties, please contact Babyscripts at or (844) 692-2297 to assist in resolving the issue.”
  • "Hi there, we noticed you haven't taken a blood pressure reading in awhile. It's important we receive weekly readings for your provider to review. If you have any questions or are running into any issues, please contact Babyscripts at or (844) 692-2297."

Sending a text

Select the pink SMS icon above the patient's name. A "New Message" screen will appear for you to type your message. 

Tip: Keep it short and sweet by using 200 characters or less!

Sending an e-mail

Select the pink E-mail icon above the patient's name. A "New Message" screen will appear for you to type your message.

Tip: Consider adding your logo in place of the Babyscripts logo and signing the email, "From your care team at [your organization]."

Documentation and team collaboration

Each email and SMS sent from DIANA is documented in the "Timeline" section of your patient's profile. When taking action through DIANA, consider documenting the action in the EMR as well so that all care team members can stay up-to-date on the latest communications patients receive. 

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