Managing Recruited Patients

What is a recruited patient? 

A recruited patient is a patient that has been signed up for Babyscripts but has not completed their registration for the app.

Where can I see a list of recruited patients?

In the "All Patients" section of DIANA, you can view the patient's registration status - whether recruited or registered.

  • "Recruited" indicates the patient has not completed their app registration
  • "Registered" indicates has completed their app registration

If you want to see only recruited patients from this list, you can use the filtering feature on "Status" column.

1. Click the three horizontal lines next to the Status column.

2. Click the middle upside-down triangle (see below).

3. Type in the word "recruited" - This will filter the entire "All Patients" list to only show recruited patients.

Encouraging recruited patients to register

If a patient has not registered for the app, we suggest contacting the patient to remind them to register. From the All Patients list, you can click on any patient to get to their profile page. From there, you can contact the patient by:

  • Sending an email
  • Sending a text (SMS)
  • Calling the patient

How to send an email or SMS via the DIANA profile page

1. From the patient profile, simply click the pink Email or SMS buttons.

2. You'll get a pop-up where you can craft and send your message directly to the patient. 

Example messaging to send to recruited patients

Here are a few examples of messages you can send to recruited patients to encourage them to register for the app.

Example email

Subject line: Reminder: Complete Registration For Babyscripts myJourney

Body: Hi there, 

We see you haven't yet completed registration for Babyscripts myJourney. This is the app that is provided by [HEALTH SYSTEM/PROVIDER] that gives you access to custom content and important information about your pregnancy. You should have received an email and text message with a passcode to register. Simply enter your passcode on the home screen of the app where it says "I'm a new user".

If you have any questions or issues, please contact Thank you!

Example SMS

Reminder from [HEALTH SYSTEM/PROVIDER] - please complete your registration for the Babyscripts myJourney app! For questions, please email

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